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Game in images

«Game in images.» Masks of Gods and Heroes at the on the international landscape festival «Gardens and People»

The exhibition presents masks with archetypes of Gods and Heroes of different times and peoples of the world. Masks-mirrors reflect the deep archaic images of our soul. The exposition has the character of a laboratory for fitting the image of a God or a Hero. Many decorative elements can decorate the garden, but the mirror adds a little magic to it. When the mirror takes on the role of a mask-image, it becomes not only a work of art, but also a guide to the world of the human soul. Since ancient times, the attention of philosophers has been focused on the effects of mirror reflection. There is a theory of ghostly images that, like removed clothes, come from the person. Leonardo da Vinci described it on the example of mirrors reflecting each other. All masks reflect some deep archaic images of our soul. Peering into the mask, we come into the game-to be ourselves or someone else? I propose to enter the game to try to interact with the masks of the gods and embark on a journey to the unexplored corners of your soul.

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